In a series of webinars, you will learn how side streams of potato-, fish-, and brewing industries can create more value and positive impact to climate change. Presenters are experts in circular economy from Finland, Norway and Ireland.
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5.4. 2022 More value from potato side streams 10:00-11:30 Norwegian time
9:00 Norwegian potato production in a SYMBIOMA perspectives. Inger Martinussen, NIBIO
9:15 Potato waste in Norway – current utilization and new possibilities. Hilde Halland, NIBIO
9:30 Tile composting based on waste from the potato based industry. Elling Ødegaard, Maarud AS
9:45 Residual side streams in HOFF. Ingvild Rosshaug Sveen, HOFF AS
6.4. 2022 Utilisation of fish industry side and waste streams 9:00-10:30 Irish time
9:00 Introduction and Agenda. Unnikrishnan Brijitha-Madhavan, ITSligo
9:05 The Symbioma journey. Ehiaze Ehimen, ITSligo
09:15 Separation of Heavy Metals from Marine Waste. Janne Kankkunen, BioSO4
09:30 Shellfish Waste Management. Carol Harrington, Shellfish Ireland
09:40 Experiences with Symbioma. John Browne, De Brun Iasc Teo
09:50 Q&A
7.4. 2022 Valorization of brewing and distilling industry side and waste streams 11:00 -12:30 Finnish time
9:00 Welcome and introduction of SYMBIOMA Technology Innovation Platform. Dr. Egidija Rainosalo, Centria UAS
9:10 Potential of brewing and distilling industry side stream utilization: examples from market and from research. Dr. Mikko Junttila, Centria UAS
9:35 Brewery side streams for hydroponic farming of hops. Henri Laine, Redono Oy
9:50 Brewers spend grain in food industry. PhD Rossana Coda, Helsinki University
10:05 Fractions of BSG as ingredients for cosmetic products. Heli Pirinen, Idea Nature Oy
10:20 Q&A and closing the webinar
You can also download the event program below!