Visit to Scotland

The project team will meet next on 14th - 17th in January 2020 in Scotland. The program includes a fact finding visit to the local whiskey distillery and meetings with professionals in the whisky distillery related circular economy.


The team will visit the Glenmorangie Distillery in Tain. The distillery operates modern bioreactor for water treatment. Glenmorangie anaerobic digestion plant ensure, that by-products of distillation – its pot ale, spent lees and washing water – are as clean as possible before being released back into the Dornoch Firth. Glenmorangie forged an ambitious partnership with Heriot-Watt University and the Marine Conservation Society known as the Dornoch Environmental Enhancement Project (DEEP), in which underwater reef habitats for the oysters is recreated by recycling over 20 tonnes of waste shells from scallops and mussels.

The project team will visit the Scotch Whiskey Research Institute in Edinburgh, which is actively involved into development of distillery process technologies and circular economy cases. The Scotch Whiskey Research Institute is unique in the world and currently employs 26 whiskey experts in most scientific positions. They have expertise in cereals, maturation, analytical chemistry, sensory science and microbiology.