The kick-off meeting in Finland

The project team met on 27th-28th August 2019 at Centria University of Applied Sciences, in Kokkola. The aim of the days was to get to know each other and agree on the working methods and goals of the project.

At the first day, all partners made a short introduction of themselves and presented a brief presentation of their organization in general. This is important in order to maximize cooperation between partners. The day's agenda also included a presentation of expertise related to the Symbioma project and the team agreed on project management related content and future goals. The program also included a visit to the Centria test plant. The Chemplant is a pilot plant for chemistry, providing companies with a unique framework for demanding innovation.

After a good day, the team visited also the city of Kokkola on a tourist tour and the evening gave the team a chance to meet with a dinner together.