Partner Introduction: Centria University of Applied Sciences

Centria University of Applied Sciences - Research and development partner for businesses and working life


Centria has extensive experience when it comes to preparing, applying for funding and managing R&D projects. We are running around 100 projects each year. Our personnel have strong expertise in conducting and managing local, national and international projects.

The aim of Centria’s research and development goal is to provide local businesses and industries with new knowledge, knowhow, skills and assist in technology transfer. R&D is closely linked to teaching activities, which allows Centria’s students to benefit from a learning environment based on the real cases.

We aim at helping our customer in developing new products, business ventures and international activities and as well as in the process of entrepreneurship, by using our multidisciplinary expertise in four main priorities: digitalization, chemistry and bio-economy, production technologies, and entrepreneurship and welfare.

Chemistry and Bioeconomy team for more than 10 years is researching extractable components from virgin and waste biomass sources, such as berries, herbs, agriculture products, trees, and relevant industrial waste and side streams. We provide our business partners with new knowledge, technology development and piloting, and analytical tools for evaluation of obtained components. In SYMBIOMA project our team will define components from whisky and beer industry waste streams and together with the industrial partner will decide which component are of most value and interest, extraction process will be tested in a pilot scale.


SYMBIOMA’s core team:

Egidija Rainosalo, project manager is skilled in materials science (plastics and composites, textiles), nanotechnology, coatings, and manufacturing technologies.

Heidi Kanala-Salminen, circular economy specialist possesses the strong knowledge of chemical process technologies.

Leif Hed, senior expert with many years of experience in extraction of organic components and analytical methods for their determination.

Nghia Nguyen, laboratory staff for analysis of extracted components.